How the
Northwest Connects

The Video Resource Library

From broadband basics to specific network technologies, if you’re looking to learn about broadband, this resource library may be just what you’ve been looking for. A huge thank you to the many expert guest speakers who have provided their time and knowledge to help compile this resource for the public.


Broadband 101

This 45-minute session reviews terminology, technologies, and other need-to-know broadband basics in plain English.

Broadband 101 Slide Deck

Wireless 101

This one-hour session focuses on the theory behind wireless broadband efforts, including how different technologies can be deployed to effectively bring high-speed Internet services to communities.

Wireless 101 Presentation Slides

Mapping the Problem: The Market Analysis

Hear two Washington PUD’s describe their experience in understanding the broadband needs of their communities while planning their next steps.

Kitsap PUD Slide Deck

Lewis PUD Slide Deck

Designing a Network

Dive into feeds and speeds, equipment, and how to apply different technologies in this crash course on how broadband networks are designed.

Designing a Network Slide Deck

Broadband Business Models

There are many different successful approaches to broadband. In this session, we hear from 4 public entities about their unique business models.

Mason PUD #3 Slide Deck

City of Anacortes Slide Deck

Port of Whitman Slide Deck

Funding a Broadband Network

Hear from Washington State Broadband funding resources and Learn Design Apply about upcoming opportunities and strategies for success.

CERB Slide Deck

WSBO and PWB Opportunities Slide Deck

Learn, Design, Apply Slide Deck

Network Operations Solutions

Building a broadband network is only one piece of the equation. This session explores practical network operations considerations once the network is up and running.

Network Operations Solutions Slide Deck

